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This study complements OECD analyses on commodity price volatility by providing quantitative assessments of the impact of two structural changes that a number of market observers have identified as contributing to world wheat market price volatility. The factors examined relate to changes in demand in the large emerging countries of the BRICs (comprising Brazil, the Russian Federation, India and China), as a result of continuing economic growth and development and the effect of a lower levels of global wheat stocks in recent years. A further scenario extends the analysis of the role of stocks in price volatility by examining some effects of a hypothetical international buffer stockholding scheme to stabilise international wheat prices. Each scenario was undertaken with the Aglink-Cosimo model and the stochastic baseline as reported in the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook, 2011-2020. The results suggest that both factors have contributed to the recorded volatility in world wheat markets in recent years. However the increase in market volatility arising from economic development and income growth is likely to occur gradually, while the moderating effect of larger stocks may only be fleeting. The stylised wheat buffer stock scheme with a price band may lead to slightly lower market volatility under highly specific conditions and constraining assumptions. These, however, have proven difficult to achieve and sustain in practice, as observed from past attempts to implement such schemes.
A former schoolhouse, more than 90 years old, is now what may be the world’s ‘smartest house’, a dwelling whose environment is controlled by a computer system that learns the occupant’s daily habits and preferences.

This paper outlines the rationale, methodologies, key findings and policy implications of the national Value of Travel Time Savings (VTTS) study conducted in Britain during 2014-15. The study found VTTS varied with distance, trip purpose and mode of travel but not with worthwhile use of travel time. Using two case studies, the paper discusses the approach to implementation of the new VTTS estimates and lessons for other countries.

Growth in emerging market economies (EMEs) is set to durably slow from the rates observed over 2010-12 as cyclical effects fade, potential growth declines and external financing conditions tighten. Large negative current account balances make some EMEs vulnerable to sudden reversals in capital flows while exceptionally rapid credit expansions, as those observed in Brazil, China, Poland and Turkey over the past years, may have raised financial risk. This paper assesses recent developments and vulnerabilities in EMEs and uses macroeconometric model simulations to provide quantitative estimates of spillovers to highincome countries. The results suggest that for each slowdown of 2 percentage points in EMEs, highincome countries’ growth could be around ⅔ percentage points lower on average, with around ½ percentage point accounted for by trade. Experience with past EME crises suggests that this could be exacerbated by effects from exchange rates and by financial market turbulence. OECD countries which would be hit hardest include Belgium, Japan and the Netherlands, reflecting mainly strong trade linkages with EMEs.

Written communication has been thousands of years in the making, but in recent decades the way we write, the skills we use and the role writing plays in the world have all changed. This has important implications for education and skills.

Over the last decade, employment law in the United States has ceased to be governed solely by the right to 11 at will 11 termination on either side. As a result of a series of decisions in the civil courts of the various states, employers have become liable for damages - often very heavy - for dismissals which have been held to be unfair. A dismissal may be considered 11 unfair 11 because it violates public policy, because it breaches an implied contract or because it breaches an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. The resultant restrictions on the right to fire are reminiscent of employment security laws in Europe.

  • 05 Jul 2019
  • Andrew Green
  • Pages: 70

Dieser Bericht erörtert die Frage der Situation der Arbeitskräfte des mittleren Qualifika-tionssegments und ihrer Entwicklung. Unter dem Einfluss von Megatrends wie Automa-tisierung, Bevölkerungsalterung und Outsourcing sinkt der Anteil der Arbeitsplätze, in denen diese Arbeitskräfte in der Vergangenheit beschäftigt waren und durch die sie klar in der Mitte der Lohnverteilung angesiedelt waren. Diese Abnahme des Anteils der Arbeits-plätze mit mittleren Qualifikationsanforderungen ist Teil einer Entwicklung, die als „Polarisierung der Beschäftigung“ bezeichnet wird und von Ökonomen für die Mehrzahl der Arbeitsmärkte im OECD-Raum beobachtet wurde. Wenig untersucht wurde bislang die Frage, was mit den betreffenden Arbeitskräften geschieht. Dieser Bericht befasst sich daher mit der Situation der Arbeitskräfte, die früher im mittleren Qualifikationssegment tätig gewesen wären. Dazu werden zunächst die Merkmale der Arbeitskräfte betrachtet, die in der Vergangenheit Tätigkeiten mit mittleren Qualifikationsanforderungen ausübten, um so das Profil der „typischen“ Arbeitskraft des mittleren Qualifikationssegments zu zeichnen. Ausgehend davon wird dann erörtert, welche Art von Tätigkeiten Arbeitskräfte mit diesem Profil heute aufnehmen und mit welcher Wahrscheinlichkeit sie überhaupt einer Beschäftigung nachgehen. Anschließend werden verschiedene Messgrößen der Beschäf-tigungsstabilität und der Entlohnung analysiert, um daraus abzuleiten, was die Beschäf-tigungsabnahme im mittleren Qualifikationssegment für die Arbeitsmarktaussichten bedeutet.

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