OECD Policy Responses on the Impacts of the War in Ukraine

This series compiles data, analysis and policy recommendations on the range of impacts and consequences related to the war in Ukraine, on the economy, refugees/migratory flows, energy, commodities, and more. The series aims to inform and support policy makers in their immediate response to the crisis in the early phases of the conflict, and inform longer-term domestic reconstruction and global-recovery efforts as the situation evolves.

English Also available in: French

Recognition of Prior Learning for Ukrainian Refugee Students

The influx of highly qualified refugees from Ukraine has posed unique challenges for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policies and practices in host countries. Analysing recent survey results, this policy brief provides an overview of the diverse RPL measures countries across the OECD have implemented in order to ensure a swift continuation of learning for Ukrainian refugee students. From extending application deadlines to international cooperation on qualifications information sharing, the policy landscape is evolving rapidly to ensure these highly skilled individuals can be included effectively into new educational environments.


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